Ethics are a top priority at this company. As an ethical and legal compass for everyone, strict contemporary compliance regulations are in place and being kept just as strictly. They refer to the way the members of the organisation work together as well as with external counterparts.
The zero-tolerance policy concerns any kind of discrimination, unethical business conduct or unlawful activities.

SolydEra does things right

The Code of Conduct is a helpful instrument guiding all employees and contractors regarding ethics and compliance.
In case of any problem one might be subjected to or has observed, the Compliance Helpline is a risk-free channel for having issues sorted.
Also see the information on Governance and Culture.
In implementation of Legislative Decree of 10 March 2023, no. 24, the Company has set up the prescribed channels for receiving and handling reports known as "whistleblowing".
The Decree encourages and protects employees, trainees and collaborators of the Company, top management, control functions as well as professionals and external collaborators to report alleged violations of national or European Union regulations that could harm the public interest or the integrity of the Company itself, of which they have become aware in the context of their work.
The Company appreciates and encourages whistleblowing, to which it recognizes, if carried out in good faith, the merit of bringing to light potential irregularities that can be addressed and resolved, to protect the healthy growth of the company and without prejudice to the community.
The whistleblower and his colleagues enjoy effective safeguards against any possible abstract retaliation. The company's choice to entrust the reporting channels to an external company, specialized in regulatory compliance, strengthens the confidentiality and protection of the whistleblower.
Below some information on whistleblowing and how it is implemented in our company.
- Shareholders and persons with functions of administration, management, control, supervision or representation, even where such functions are exercised on a de facto basis, at the Company;
- Employees, trainees, self-employed workers, freelancers and consultants working for the Company;
- Persons who have held the above-mentioned roles in the past, if the information on violations was acquired during the course of the relationship and persons with whom the relationship has not yet arisen - for example, candidates for personnel selection or employees during the probationary period.
Anonymous reports are admissible, provided they are substantiated.
The list is very articulate and complex. For completeness, please refer to Legislative Decree 24/2023 .
The company has entrusted the handling of reports to experienced and specialized consultants. The channels available for reporting are as follows:
Toll-free number: 800 - 689257
The call is recorded
E-mail address :
The whistleblower also has the right to request a face-to-face meeting with the company in charge of managing the reporting channels, to confer the report in a confidential interview; simply make your request through one of the two channels indicated above, leaving a contact address